{"id":32097,"date":"2022-09-16T07:16:41","date_gmt":"2022-09-16T05:16:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sensimilla.dk\/growshop\/Ikke%20kategoriseret\/advanced-nutrients-sensizym\/"},"modified":"2024-11-23T12:29:46","modified_gmt":"2024-11-23T11:29:46","slug":"advanced-nutrients-sensizym","status":"publish","type":"product","link":"https:\/\/sensimilla.dk\/shop\/goedning\/advanced-nutrients\/advanced-nutrients-sensizym\/","title":{"rendered":"Advanced Nutrients – Sensizym 1L"},"content":{"rendered":"
Advanced Nutrients – Sensizym <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n Your plants\u2019 roots help you maximize your gardens yield when you give them a root zone filled with active enzymes that break down debris and promote nutrient absorption.<\/p>\n It goes without saying that your garden benefits from a convenient enzyme formula. This breaks down dead material from your root zone, which creates reusable nutrition for your plants so you save money.<\/p>\n Here\u2019s the inside story\u2026<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n First of all, enzymes are molecules that take apart other molecules, and you can harness this fact to get more vigorous growth and maximize yields.<\/p>\n You see, if you were growing outdoors in the healthiest, most fertile soil, your plants\u2019 roots would be surrounded by billions of beneficial microbes that manufacture enzymes.<\/p>\n These enzymes are constantly breaking down dead roots, other organic matter, and unused nutrients. They transform them into materials that your plants use for fuel to make more vigorous growth and maximize yields<\/a>.<\/p>\n Rich enzymes in the root zone are one main reason outdoor plants get so huge and productive.<\/p>\n But you can\u2019t just throw in any enzymes. You have to give your root zone the most powerfully appropriate enzymes for the job.<\/p>\n Turns out those exceptionally useful enzymes are chitinases, proteases, hydrolases, glucanases and cellulases.<\/p>\n When you insert live, thriving, concentrated amounts of these enzymes into your root zone, you create the vigorous enzymatic environment your roots need.<\/p>\n At the same time, the enzymes are turning debris into pre-digested food for your plants!<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n Now let\u2019s take a moment to examine how you get the perfect enzymes into a formula that works in your hydroponics garden.<\/p>\n Because what a lot of hydroponics companies do is take shortcuts that short circuit the value of enzymes. Instead of using the precise types and ratios of enzymes that have been shown to work. The hardest and fastest in your root zone. Some companies outsource their manufacturing so they don\u2019t know what\u2019s in their enzyme products.<\/p>\n Because when you want to deliver a guaranteed effective enzyme formula to gardeners, you have to get enzymes that have been specially extracted in professional bioengineering laboratories.<\/p>\n Scientists in these labs grow huge amounts of beneficial soil microbes (the kind that manufacture the enzymes your plants need), and then they ferment those microbes to get concentrated doses of enzymes.<\/p>\n After that, the enzymes are tested individually and together to ensure that they have maximum shelf life, viability and effectiveness in the root zone.<\/p>\n Sometimes our scientists found that an individual enzyme might not work so well with other enzymes. Or that a particular enzyme just cannot be kept active in solution. They also discover the optimum pH and liquid viscosity that works to preserve the bioactivity of enzymes for long periods of time.<\/p>\n Of course, there are other considerations. Our scientists are aware of the pH and temperature of nutrient water in your hydroponics garden. They make sure that Sensizym\u2019s enzymes function at full strength in your range of pH and temperature.<\/p>\n By the way, it\u2019s interesting to note that there\u2019s a circular cycle of benefits involving Sensizym enzymes and beneficial microbes in your root zone.<\/p>\n For example, when Sensizym\u2019s enzymes break down dead organic material into sugars, beneficial microbes eat the sugars, creating more enzymes.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n Putting it all together for you, there\u2019s now an easy way for you to enhance your roots, put more nutrition into your plants, promote floral growth, and break down dead organic material in your root zone.<\/p>\n As you prepare to get some 100% organic Sensizym and bring all these benefits into your garden, there\u2019s one other interesting fact that growers have discovered using Sensizym.<\/p>\n According to what we\u2019re told by growers, and confirmed by gardeners as well as plant scientists, is that Sensizym does such a good job of decomposing root zone debris that you can reuse root zone media such as rockwool and coco coir.<\/p>\n This saves you money and time, because you don\u2019t have to buy root zone material as often. You don\u2019t have to buy it and then pre-treat it as often. Nor do you have to dispose of it as often.<\/p>\n So get yourself Sensizym and give yourself the root zone benefits that translate into, vigorously-growing, maximum-yielding plants.<\/p>\n When you go to your store to get your enzyme formula, rest assured that Sensizym is the only one with such a broad range of bioactive, concentrated enzymes specifically researched and found to be perfect for your root zone.<\/p>\n Advanced Nutrients – Sensizym<\/p>\n Se ogs\u00e5 Advanced Nutrients g\u00f8dnings beregner lige her: https:\/\/www.advancednutrients.com\/nutrient-calculator\/<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
\n<\/span><\/p>\nDine planter (som den menneskelige ford\u00f8jelseskanal) opbygger organisk affald. Efterladt i rodzonen kan dette affald forringe v\u00e6kst og blomstring eller bidrage til sygdom. Men n\u00e5r du giver dine afgr\u00f8der specifikt formulerede enzymer, gennems\u00f8ger de rodzonen, fjerner snavs og udrydder sygdom ved at ‘genbruge’ det til brugbare kulhydrater, der fremmer knopv\u00e6kst og \u00f8ger udbyttet!<\/h1>\n
Nu lyder enzymer fantastisk, men kun Sensizym er garanteret p\u00e5 to unikke m\u00e5der: For det f\u00f8rste er det en specifik kombination af h\u00f8jkvalitets bioaktive enzymer, der fungerer bedst for vores h\u00f8jv\u00e6rdiplanter. For det andet er det garanteret at have en stabil holdbarhed og v\u00e6re fuldt aktiv p\u00e5 k\u00f8bstidspunktet. I mods\u00e6tning til andre produkter, som ofte er helt inerte p\u00e5 hylden. Til sidst rapporterer avlere, at Sensizym nedbryder rodzoneaffald s\u00e5 godt, at du ofte kan genbruge v\u00e6kstmedier. S\u00e5som stenuld og kokos til en anden afgr\u00f8des livscyklus \u2013 hvilket sparer dig penge! Som altid<\/h1>\n
Get This Easy Way Stimulate The Breakdown Of Dead Root Material So You Save Money And Maximize Your Yields<\/h1>\n
Turn Root Zone Waste Into Nutrition For Your Plants<\/h2>\n
You Get What You Really Need In An Enzyme Formula<\/h2>\n
Now Save Money On Rockwool, Coco, Or Whatever Else You\u2019re Using For Your Root Zone<\/h2>\n