Dutch Passion Auto White Widow Skunkfrø er nogen af de bedste cannabisfrø på markedet. Med over 30 års erfaring indenfor cannabis kultivation, må Dutch Passion siges at være Pioneerer på området. Dutch Passion var blandt andet opfinderen af den feminiserede frø teknologi. De har på den måde revolutioneret markedet med deres indendørs, udendørs og autoblomstrende cannabisfrø. Vi fører også et pænt udvalg af deres medincinske sorter, som også er autoblomstrende og enormt sæsonvenlige Danmark. Bemærk at frøene skal være tilpasset til den nordlige hemisfære, for at de kan blive færdige i Danmark. Skriv os evt. en besked, hvis du er i tvivl, så besvarer vi den hurtigst muligt.
Vi Anbefaler at alle Autoblomstrende frø bliver sået direkte i den potte / frilandsplads, de skal færdige i, i slut april / start maj, for at undgå stress ved omplantning, hvilket kan resultere i væsentligt reduceret afkast.
After several years of careful selection Dutch Passion are pleased to introduce our special Auto White Widow® Cannabis Seeds. This is the long-awaited automatic version of our best-selling original White Widow. Auto White Widow® is a vigorous and strong auto which gives a powerful high, she was produced from our original White Widow mother plant using the same genetics which have won countless awards and satisfied thousands of growers. Auto White Widow® is very consistent and easy to grow with any grow method. Our automatic version is ready to harvest around 75 days after germination and will yield outdoor 50 to 150g+ of cannabis from a single plant. Experienced indoor auto growers will be able to harvest 200g+ from a single plant, especially when grown in hydro Deep Water Culture systems. Plants reach around 60cm to 1m tall.
The taste is fresh, citrus pine, fairly sweet and strong, and the effect is fast. Auto White Widow® Cannabis Seeds produce bushy and frosty plants with numerous blooms. She produces strong aroma’s during growth and dense hard buds.
The high is a well-balanced and pleasurable one, combining a powerful cerebral impact with a relaxing physical effect – extremely pleasant. AutoWhite Widow is one of the best auto’s we have developed and is highly recommended for those looking for an easy-growing and powerful auto with generous yields.
Dutch Passion Auto White Widow Skunkfrø
Husk at du kan Købe Groudstyr, Grolys, Ventilation, Cannabisgødning og tilbehør på https://www.Homegrow.Nu