Dutch Passion Jorge´s Diamonds#1 Skunkfrø er nogen af de bedste cannabisfrø på markedet. Med over 30 års erfaring indenfor cannabis kultivation, må Dutch Passion siges at være Pioneerer på området. Dutch Passion var blandt andet opfinderen af den feminiserede frø teknologi. De har på den måde revolutioneret markedet med deres indendørs, udendørs og autoblomstrende cannabisfrø. Vi fører også et pænt udvalg af deres medincinske sorter, som også er autoblomstrende og enormt sæsonvenlige Danmark. Bemærk at frøene skal være tilpasset til den nordlige hemisfære, for at de kan blive færdige i Danmark. Skriv os evt. en besked, hvis du er i tvivl, så besvarer vi den hurtigst muligt.
Vi Anbefaler at alle Autoblomstrende frø bliver sået direkte i den potte / frilandsplads, de skal færdige i, i slut april / start maj, for at undgå stress ved omplantning, hvilket kan resultere i væsentligt reduceret afkast.
We are pleased to work together with Jorge Cervantes in our mutual project: “Jorge’s Diamonds”. The many growbooks, DVD’s and articles Jorge Cervantes published in the past 25 years in 9 languages, have helped growers worldwide to cultivate some of the best marijuana in the world. Now growers can grow Jorge’s Diamonds #1 and take full advantage of the fruits of Jorge’s collaboration with his old friends at Dutch Passion Seeds. The genetics of the strain were selected by Jorge from the 25 year old “Research Gene Pool” of Dutch Passion.
Jorge’s Diamond is a unique resin-packed indica-dominant strain that is potent, sweet, flavorful and incredibly smooth smoking. The rare indica-dominant genes are mixed with just the right amount of sativa to give the smoke a very strong soaring long-lasting high. The exceptional taste and aroma are fruity and sweet. The insatiable taste is sweet and similar to wild honey smothered in raspberries. The strain is almost maintenance free, also spider mites and other pests know to leave Jorge’s Diamonds #1 alone. Medical note: By Thin Layer Chromatography the THC percentage was calculated at 16 to 18%, while the strain (medical note) is high in THCV, CBD and CBN.
Dutch Passion Jorge´s Diamonds#1 Skunkfrø
Husk at du kan Købe Groudstyr, Grolys, Ventilation, Cannabisgødning og tilbehør på https://www.Homegrow.Nu